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Princeton physics Professor Daniel Marlow reviewed the Exponent report and told the NFL it seemed fine.
8/29/2015: Prof. Marlow sends email 5:15 am confirming receipt.
On 8/28/2015, lunch time, I phoned Professor Marlow to call his attention to the simulation freely exposing balls to the air, vs the balls being in a bag on game-day. (Recall that is the only reason why the simulation didn’t agree that the Patriots took no air out of the footballs.)
I explained the problem in greater detail. Although his manner seemed hostile to such a possibility that he might have missed something, he did ask me to send him an email explaining the problem.
I asked that he publicly withdraw his support for the Exponent report.
Below is the email I sent him, only with my home phone removed.
Note: for beyond-a-reasonable-doubt proof that Exponent lied in concluding that their research didn’t explain the Patriot’s ball pressure even if you agree with the ref on gauge use, download may amicus brief. It does that and more.